Grand Master Brian C. Adams Biography

Grand Master Brian Adams has spent more than 60 years studying and teaching various forms of martial arts and related disciplines. As a student, at Pasadena City College, studying psychology and philosophy he began his career in the martial arts. Grand Master Adams first studied Kenpo Karate, under Grand Master Ed Parker. As his studies progressed, he began to realize the great values in combined physical and mental training.

Grand Master Adams is a member of the Center for Chinese Medicine. His Studies, under DR Pedro Chan, encompassed pain reduction, first Aid, Body Work and Acupressure for Health, massage and weight control.
He is a certified Auricular therapist (ACU-clinics of California) and a Dietary Consultant (International Institute of Natural Health Science, Inc.) To further his Knowledge and understanding, Grand Master Adams experienced meditation and under Swami Satya Pujari, studied meditation at the Bhagwan Shree Rajnesh Ashram in India and has continued his studies of Iyengar Hatha Yoga.

In 1964 Grand Master Adams opened his first Kenpo Karate School, in San Diego, CA. this became the largest school in San Diego, at the time, and also became the original base of operations for his continued studies. Knowing the importance of the physical aspects and dangers of the Martial Arts, Grand Master Adams researched and published "The Medical Implications of Karate Blows," in 1969.

In 1974 Grand Master Adams and his students put on shows in the Seal Bowl at the San Diego Zoo in California. The theme was the five animal styles: The Tiger, Dragon, Crane, Snake and the Leopard. The forms were done wearing authentic replica animal heads.

As part of his research and inspirations Grand Master Adams trained with Grand Masters Bruce Lee and Danny Inosanto. Grand Master Adams has extensive training in the White Tiger Kung Fu traditional 18 short and 18 long, Chinese weapons, under Grand Master Wai Fong Doo. Studied Koizumi style sword play (short and long), with Robert Hasty and trained in the art of Tai Ho Jitsu, with Grand Master David German. In 1977 Grand Master Adams was awarded the status of "teacher for Life," in the Martial Arts, by the California Community Colleges. He also developed the first Martial Arts aerobics training program in San Diego (Black Belt Magazine 1977) and taught stage combat, at US International University. In addition, Grand Master Brian Adams developed and taught a training program, "Restraining and Handling of Institutionalized Patients" for Psychiatric Hospital Staffs.

Grand Master Adams now devotes most of his time to training and educating Martial arts schools and practitioners in the fun and fine art of "Universal Hand and Weapon Martial Arts" through the vehicle of Ju-jitsu, Stick Ju-jitsu, Boxing, Kenpo, Filipino Martial Arts and White Tiger Kung Fu. The purpose of which is to develop an individuals creativity, intuition and spontaneity in as short of time as possible.

